Interesting Stuffs

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

The art of blogfarming : "My blog is my pets !!!"

Hello my readers
how are you today?
I hope that you are fine

This time I will discuss about blogfarming. What is the meaning of blogfarming itself? Blogfarming consist of 2 words, blog and farming. Blog is the abbreviation of "web-blogging",the website that contained almost of its contents by articles, wrote by the author of the blog itself or rewrote from another articles sources and or other blog with similar topics. And farming is breeding,means keep their blogs to be grown up, and not to let them "died" and its ash was disappeared (from major search engine like Google,MSN Bing or Yahoo).

Ok,First I will tell you the benefit of the blogfarming :

1.) You had more back-up blogs that you can handle so you had more "soldiers" to faced the "War" like :

a.) Paid To Review,
b.) Paid Per Impression Banner
c.) Paid Per Click Advertisement Banner and or TextLink
d.) Paid per etcetera.....bla bla bla

The list above is only a little war that you can played in internet bussiness area. However, with your SEO and blogging skills I believe you can "train" your soldiers hardly so they will be "strong enough" to overcome so many wars :D

2.) Your knowledge and your writing skills will be improved day by day until you gained reputation as one of the "Elder"

C'mon guys/girls, I just kidding, I means the elder is senior blogger because they had so many experiences in internet bussiness field, from "little risk and no cost" to "high risk and higher cost". So don't be afraid to write something in your minds, besides your knowledge will be improved, you will be more creative and obviously smart because everyday you increase your knowledge unconsciously. Trust me !! :D

3.) You multiplied your internet bussiness earning

Of course it will be happen if you knew some of the tips about blogfarming, and imagine that you had (for example) 5 active blogs, if 5 blogs had been active and updates regularly, you will be multiplied your earning by five factorial. But I reminds you to be careful when you had blogfarming.

Here is my tips to breeding Blog :

1.) Feed your blogs regularly

Hahahahah...I means, update your blogs regularly,like cattle animals, they will be mad and disappeared by their own way in major search engine result page if they left alone and not to be handled properly, also if you really serious to expand your internet bussiness you must do this furthermore trick :

2.) Hire some farm and husbandry labour to feed your blogs

This is the trick from my senior,Mister Triwahyudi. Currently, he hired some of "guest writer" to write some new articles about blogging and SEO. Based on Leadership principles, don't do your whole details jobs by yourself, but delegate it to others so you had more spare times to do your general jobs. The best one of the articles that had been wrote by guess writers will be selected and got some adoration as outcoming articles today.
However it will be easier if you had paid domain website and got your wordpress turbo plugin within your website so you can managed your exclusive accounts and your guess writers's reguler accounts :D

3.) If your cattle/pets was sick,cure it as soon as possible

This is some example image for your sick blog,had no complete body ,almost dissappeared from internet's world :

Heheheheh...Sick is means one of your "old" blogs was banned from google for "some untold reason", don't be panic friends, you must cure it by give them antidote like this :

a.) Intense rapidly Blogwalking(but don't be spamming or you will lost your chance to got more blogger friends)
b.) Intense blogs updates by your own original articles
c.) Diligent to bookmarking to social bookmarking site(you
    already knew it,such as digg,delicious,stumbleupon,lintas berita,reddit etc)
d.) Optimize your SEO
e.) Trade your link with another high quality web/blog with     pagerank minimum 3 intensively
f.) Etc (You knew better than me :D)

4.) Cleanse your cattle/pets by bathed them regularly

What does it means? It means you must regularly check your blog and maintenance it, maybe there is a broken link,broken chatbox,unloaded image,etc...This includes clean your comments box at every articles regularly from spamming-sounded comments.

5.) Don't forget to check-up their health

Check your alexa rank and also pagerank of your web/blog regularly.

6.) Join some cattle/pets contest

By join some of SEO contest, your blogs got more reputation and got more traffic too. Your pets will be proud and HAPPY if they won this contest,dude !! :D

7.) Let them walking away and be recognized by other farmer after you feed them to increase their happiness

It means, you must ping your blog/web in free ping services web like pingoat and or pingomatic regularly after you just already add your new article. This is essentials but often forgotten by many blogger.

If you want to add this list, I let you...just,give some comments below this articles,thanks

Thank you for your attention,
see you @my next articles

[Original contents by Mif]

P.S :

I am sorry but :